Step into the world of "Wonder Boy," a startling new play from writer Ross Willis and Bristol Old Vic that follows Sonny, a 12-year-old grappling with a speech impediment.
Wonder Boy
Bristol Old Vic
Dreamlike, music-fuelled, and wickedly murderous. Multi-award-winning Emma Rice brings her theatrical sleight of hand to this spine-tingling folktale.
When the sinister magician Blue Beard woos his bride by sawing her in half on stage, little does she know it’s a sign of things to come. After their wedding, she stumbles upon a forbidden chamber filled with the bodies of his previous wives. Will she be his next ex? Or can she bring the curtain down on this serial husband?
Emma Rice’s wildly inventive reimagining of Charles Perrault's 1667 horror tale boldly celebrates female empowerment while blending disco music, sharp comedy, and tender truths. Prepare to be spellbound—and terrified.
(Director), (Composer), (Choreographer), Tristan Sturrock (Blue Beard), Adam Mirsky (Lost Brother), Robyn Sinclair (Lucky), Mirabelle Gremaud (Lost Sister), Patrycja Kujawska (Treasure), Katy Owen (Mother Superior), Stu Barker (Sister Susie of the Dulcimer), Stephanie Hockley (Trouble)