Love's Labour's Lost

Love's Labour's Lost

Royal Shakespeare Company

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A new take on one of Shakespeare’s most joyous comedies, Love Labour’s Lost is an ode to young love - and the unpredictability of it all.

The King and his friends take an oath to dedicate themselves to a life of study and avoid the company of women for three years. No sooner have they made their idealistic pledge than the Princess of France and her ladies-in-waiting arrive, presenting the men with a severe test of their high-minded resolve . In this version set against the background of a looming war their struggle is all the more poignant .

This sumptuous production by the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) filmed at the home of the Bard, Stratford-upon-Avon is an accessible play for Shakespeare fans, new and old alike.

Cast & Crew

Sam Alexander (King of Navarre), Peter Basham (Butler), William Belchambers (Longaville), Edward Bennett (Berowne), Nick Haverson (Costard), Emma Manton (Jaquenetta), John Hodgkinson (Don Armado), (Writer), (Director)
