

Ballet Preljocaj

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Choreographer Angelin Preljocaj explores the power of myths in this captivating piece for Ballet Preljocaj and the Opera National de Bordeaux.

In Mythologies, Angelin Preljocaj explores contemporary rituals, along with the founding myths that shape our collective imagination. Preljocaj uses ideals and beliefs to reveal what is lying within the folds of our existence, creating a dynamic dialogue between ancient and modern mythologies.

Set to an original score created by Thomas Bangalter, formerly of Daft Punk, this piece springs to life with dynamic energy and thought-provoking themes.

Cast & Crew

Mireia Reyes Valenciano, Khevyn Sigismondi, Tommaso Marchignoli, Mirea Delogu, Antoine Dubois, Emma Perez Sequeda, (Director), (Choreographer), Baptiste Coissieu, Verity Jacobsen, (Conductor), Clara Freschel, Chloé Fagot, Yu-Hua Lin, Véronique Giasson
