This captivating short dance film unveils the story of a lonely ice fisherman who finds an unlikely friend trapped within the depths of the frozen sea ice.
Cold Storage
Dance, Shorts
Commissioned and curated especially by Manchester Camerata during these unique times – the 'Untold' series tells the remarkable and intimate personal stories of real people in the community through film, storytelling and prose. In this episode, we tell the moving and uplifting story of Keith who lives with young onset dementia.
We first met Keith back in 2018 at one of our creative music-making sessions in Wigan. Previously a coach driver for football clubs across the northwest, a member of the grenadier guards and an avid music fan, the film tells his personal account of how dementia affects the everyday life of him and his wife Joan.
Narrated by Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh, written by poet and playwright Amanda Dalton, directed by award-winning Paul Sapin and starring Neil Bell (Dead Man’s Shoes, 24 Hour Party People, Coronation Street), this emotional and deeply personal account set to music chosen by Keith should not be missed.
(Director), Julie Hesmondalgh (Narrator), Neil Bell (Keith), Carla Henry (Joan)