El Cruce Sobre El Niágra

El Cruce Sobre El Niágra


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Choreography premiered by Danza Contemporánea de Cuba in 1987, and inspired by the homonymous play of the Peruvian playwright Alonso Alegría. In 2015, Carlos Acosta recovered the piece for the repertoire of his company Acosta Danza. This Duet focuses on a tightrope walk across Niagara Falls showing the sheer strength and focus of a dancer as they move faultlessly across the stage. Boan’s El cruce sobre el Niágara is one of the most important choreographies of modern Cuban dance.

Cast & Crew

(Director), Mario Sergio Elias, (Choreographer), (Composer), Leandro Soto (CostumeDesign), (Director), Raul Reinoso, Carlos Repilado (LightingDesign)
