Step into the world of "Wonder Boy," a startling new play from writer Ross Willis and Bristol Old Vic that follows Sonny, a 12-year-old grappling with a speech impediment.
Wonder Boy
Bristol Old Vic
Bristol Old Vic's sold-out production of ''Touching the Void'' is a thrilling plunge into the depths of human resilience.
Directed by Tony Award-winner Tom Morris (War Horse), this adaptation of Joe Simpson's bestselling memoir follows the harrowing true story of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' treacherous descent of Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. Using groundbreaking filming techniques and a binaural soundscape, the production delivers an immersive experience, plunging viewers into the freezing heights of the Andes. As Simon battles the elements to save his injured climbing partner, Joe fights for survival in a crevasse, pushing the boundaries of human endurance.
'Nail-biting, you feel as if you’ve been to the ends of the earth without moving from your seat. A stirring testament to human fortitude and the power of theatre.' - The Telegraph
(Director), (Writer), Fiona Hampton (Sarah), Patrick McNamee (Richard), Josh Williams (Joe), Angus Yellowlees (Simon)